Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nanny & Auntie

Posted by Mauree Brooksher at 5:12 PM

Sweet baby Christopher is so very blessed with very loving relatives. Christopher has two aunts. One of his aunts is his nanny. There is Nanny Nat & Aunt Irene. Christopher was born on Nanny Nat and Uncle Justin's 5 year wedding anniversary. They were all the way in Memphis on a trip the day he was born; however, they left their trip a day early to get back to Baton Rouge since Christopher was born! Nanny Nat stayed in Baton Rouge for several days to help finish up the nursery and detox our condo to prepare for Baby Christopher's arrival home. When Steven and I arrived home, our condo was pristine and it was so NICE to return home after spending 6 nights in the hospital. I could not of finished the nursery without Nanny Nat's help. In addition to fixing up the condo Nanny Nat was a huge support in getting through the emotional hurdles while Christopher remained in the hospital and I returned home without him. Nanny Nat helped me pick out everything we needed from Babies R Us, etc. to provide for a baby. I am so thankful for Nanny Nat as my sister and I know Christopher is so thankful to have her as his Nanny! Christopher also is blessed with his precious Aunt Irene! Aunt Irene came to stay with us this past weekend since our Papa was out of town. She held Christopher after his feedings and helped May May with the midnight feeding so I could get some much needed rest. We are thankful that Aunt Irene doesn't live far so she can help with Christopher time to time and she's only a phone call away! Aunt Irene started high school this week and is excited about being Christopher's funny aunt! We are ever grateful for NannyNat and Aunt Irene!!
Much Love and Many Blessings,


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