Monday, June 27, 2011

Wedding Weekend in NOLA

Posted by Mauree Brooksher at 11:19 AM 0 comments

On our way to NOLA (forward facing...YAY)
Papa & Christopher at the Zoo!
Checking out the baboons!
Looking at the peacock
Attempt at a family pic

French Bakery Pit Stop to perk us up before a long night at the wedding!
Evidence of my stamp from a member of the band!

Mommy & Christopher on the street car
Papa & Christopher on the street car
The Monkey Man & Christopher
Christopher hoping he will catch some sugar : )
Jackson Square Pic

We spent this past weekend in New Orleans for Steven's cousin's wedding. Dorie & Jamie got married on Saturday night at the Academy of Sacred Heart Chapel. It was a sweet & beautiful wedding. Steven received the honor of serving as a Eucharistic Minister in the wedding. We attended the rehearsal dinner on Friday evening at Ralph's on City Park Ave. We enjoyed New Orleans' Pimms Cup & a delicious meal! It was a wonderful evening to visit with many of the Briede family members. On Saturday we spent the day visiting with Steven's grandparents & visiting the Audubon Zoo. We also made a shopping & French Bakery pit stop on Magazine Street. The wedding reception was a Le Troebe's downtown. We had a BALL & stayed until the VERY end! The band was amazing. We danced the entire night & I left with a stamp on my arm that said I heart the Bucktown All Stars! I kind of felt like we were in undergrad again. The food at the reception was so delicious. They served everything from soft-shell crab to grilled veggies. On Sunday we took Christopher on his first street car ride from Uptown St. Charles all the way to Canal Street downtown. We strolled to Cafe Du Monde. On the way we ran into Uncle John who is my mom's brother. He is an artist & only paints the Three Wise Monkeys. Therefore, he refers to himself as "Monkey Man". Christopher loved the beingets & the street car ride. It was a great way to start off his Golden Birthday Week! We had a wonderful & exhausting weekend!
Much Love & Many Blessings,

Friday, June 17, 2011

We love you Papa!

Posted by Mauree Brooksher at 11:52 AM 0 comments

Papa is on mission in Honduras for his first Father's Day! Oh how we miss him! We are counting down the minutes until he returns home. However, we are grateful that he is there spreading God's love to all those in Honduras. Here are the top ten reasons we love our Papa:
1. He makes us laugh!
2. He makes us smile!
3. He has such an amazing & strong faith!
4. He provides for our family!
5. He is SO positive!
6. He always makes sure that we enjoy delicious meals!
7. He places serves the Lord with all his heart, his family, & manages to serve so many others!
8. He doesn't let a minute of the day go wasted!
9. He is strong when we are weak!
10. He LOVES us!

We love you Papa! Happy Father's Day! We are thinking & praying for you this weekend!
Much Love & Many Blessings,
Mommy & Christopher

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 Month Recap

Posted by Mauree Brooksher at 8:11 PM 0 comments
His favorite hiding spot!
He loves to stand & hold on to chairs, tables, etc.
He loves to splash!
He now has 8 teeth & likes grilled cheese!
Went swimming for the 1st time!
Began to crawl & of course goes straight for dangerous things!
Still loves Strollfit!
Started wearing separates : (
Loves to play with his cousins!