Monday, February 15, 2010


Posted by Mauree Brooksher at 8:02 AM 0 comments
It's been entirely too long since my last update!  I am now a few days into my 14th week of my pregnancy. I am really now feeling fantastic!  I believe I have all my energy back!  I wake up feeling fine & don't find myself darting for breakfast as soon as I wake.  I can actually wait it out.  I now have a little "pooch" that definitely lets people know I am expecting.  I am gladly & comfortably wearing maternity clothes.  Our baby is now the size of a lemon!  Last week the baby was the size of a plum.  The baby might be sucking his/her thumb now & the baby's arms are growing longer this week. We return to the doctor February 24th.  The baby has received his/her 1st Disney Bear.  Andrew & Emily went to DisneyWorld last weekend & sent the baby this surprise.  Last weekend, the baby received his/her 1st blanket.  Steven's grandmother made it!  We've had a wonderful weekend.  Friday I had no school due to snow!  We lounged around Friday morning & watched the short but beautiful snowfall.  I was very excited to start my Mardi Gras holiday a day early.  We took our Valentines date an evening early.  Steven surprised me with dinner at Gino's & it was delicious!  I got all of our cards together from our showers, engagement congratulations, and wedding.  I put them all together in a scrapbook for us for Valentines.  I am very excited to have them all saved in a special way that we can treasure.  On Valentines we headed to Lafayette.  We are now spending time in Lafayette with Nat, Justin, Mary Claire, Jacob, Mom, & Dad.  Steven heads to Honduras tomorrow for a whole week. He is going to visit 3 young men he has sponsored for years as well as a good friend of ours, Dina.  Dina came in for our our wedding & read a petition in Spanish.  I will stay in Lafayette to watch my dad ride in the Krewe of Gabriel parade on Mardi Gras Day.  Last weekend we enjoyed company with friends and watching the Superbowl at the Reed's home.  We were thrilled with the Saints Victory.  We still sing, "When the Saints Go Marching In" as a recessional at St. Aloysius.  Lil Randall (Randall Gay's son) is in Kindergarten at my school.  Therefore, my school is still beaming with joy over the win!  Well Steven will be out of town until next Tuesday, so if anybody wants to visit this would be a great week!  I pray everyone had a Valentine's Day full of love & has a safe, Happy Mardi Gras!
Much Love & Many Blessings,